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Every Letter Of The Alphabet Ranked From Worst To Best! You Won't Believe Where Q Was Ranked!

Every Letter Of The Alphabet Ranked From Worst To Best! You Won't Believe Where Q Was Ranked!

Remember those things called letters? They're always talking about them on Sesame Street, books are full of them, they even have their own song. 

That's right, it's the alphabet, and we ranked all 26 letters from worst to best.


We're sure it comes as no surprise that the letter D is ranked dead last. We could get rid of this letter tomorrow and honestly, who would notice or care?


Only slightly better than D, there is the plain old K. Get out of here K, can't you see no one wants you here?


We know it seems like G should be ranked higher because it brought us the word grapple, but it also brought us the word goblin and that's one scary word friends.


The letter T, made famous by famous rapper T-Pain, would be a lot higher if we were only ranking the uppercase letters. Unfortunately, we have to consider lowercase letters as well. The lower case T looks like a cross which is super confusing.


Y really? More like Y is this even a letter?


Omg, who even designed this thing? A two year old? Definitely one of the weaker letters.


There's a good reason the word lame starts with L.


The trouble with P is that whenever someone says it out loud we always get nervous they're going to say penis. Stop making us so nervous, P.


B isn't really an awful letter, but there isn't anything special about it either. Maybe with a little effort, B could crack the top ten one day.


Sure, E is kind of a cute letter, but you've got to be more than a pretty face in this world.


Oh, finally we're getting into the good stuff. N is a pretty good one. Just a letter trying to have a good time. We respect that.


Just like N, but with a little extra.


Kind of a simple letter, but we love how hard U tries.


H made giant waves when it appeared in the word "hats". Ever since hats, H has been a major player in the alphabet.


Not quite a top ten letter, but come on, you've got to love S!


Is there any letter that has as much style as the letter X? X has got it going on.


What can we say about J that hasn't been said a million times? We all know it's a great letter.


V has made a huge comeback in recent years, thanks to its major role in the word vein. Welcome to the big time, V.


W is basically just two Vs, which makes it twice as good.


The letter Q gets a lot of hate; unwarranted hate if you ask us. Where would the world be if it weren't for the letter Q?


Uh... Can we get more words with the letter Z in them please? Thanks. 


I changed the game for letters. It's a letter all on its own. No letter has tried that since A. Way to put yourself out there, I.


Without the letter F, we wouldn't have the words "family" or "friend", the two most important things in the world. Thank you, F.


C is out here rocking two sounds. Need a K sound? C has got your back. Need an S sound? C has got your back. It's a letter of many talents.


A has always been the fan favorite and it is easy to see why. A deserves all the love it gets.


It's bold, sexy, mysterious, funny, thought-provoking. Simply put, its hands-down the best letter in the alphabet.

Do you agree with our rankings? You should, because we worked really hard on them. We also work hard on providing premium wet socks to folks like you. Check out the blog next week where we'll rank the top 100 numbers.

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